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58445 2019-12-18T17:20:52 25 [佳作]
设计机构: 东莞市尺度室内设计有限公司

源于艺术、归于生活 From Art to Life 自由灵动的风格与人性思维的碰撞 Free and agile style and Infinite Style and Humanity Thinking 至灵魂深处诠释时尚美学本质 Interpretation of the Essence of Fashion Aesthetics from the Deep Soul

个性大方的空间 space with generous personality 从大堂满铺的大理石瓷砖、充满设计感的吊灯、落地玻璃隔间到旋转的楼梯,都无不透露着设计师的自由灵动的气息。 From the marble tiles paved in the lobby, the chandeliers filled with design sense, the floor glass compartments, to the rotating stairs, all reveal the designer's free and agile atmosphere.

在这里,办公空间绝不仅仅是一个办公场所,而是一种向外界、向客人释放信息的工具。轴承是当代机械设备中举足轻重的零部件。放眼望去,天花吊顶使用的便是环环相扣的圆环吊灯,取轴承之意,产生回旋,彼此推动。 Here, office space is not just an office space, but a tool to release information to the outside world, to the guests. Bearing is an important part in modern mechanical equipment. Looking at the ceiling, the ceiling ceiling is the use of a circular chandelier, the meaning of the bearing, the generation of gyrations, and the promotion of each other.

极具设计感的办公室设计,搭配现代风格的装饰品味,既突出了使用者的个性,又带来了极富轻快的质感,充分展现出优雅平衡的生活品味。 The highly designed office design, with modern style decorative taste, not only highlights the user's personality, but also brings a very lively texture, fully showing the elegant and balanced taste of life.







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