创意支点Pivot of Creation—ZXD&GZ Office
Archimedes once said :" Give me a pivot, I can prize up the earth." This is the same to creation. Good ideas can double the value of a space.
呼应会客区,吧台通道进行了抬升设计,使整体空间呈现起伏与变化。拾级而上通往总监办公室。廊道之上,波纹板天花营造出波光粼粼的水倒影效果,与壁炉腾起的火焰辉映成趣。 Echoing the reception area, the bar channel is designed to make the whole space fluctuate and change. Pick up the steps to the director's office. Above the corridor, the corrugated ceiling creates a sparkling water reflection effect, reflecting the flame of the fireplace.
总监办公室沿用主体灰调的极简设计,散发出理性、包容与思考。橙色支点装置的存在则代表着颠覆、创造和特立独行…… The director's office uses the minimalist design of the main gray tone, emitting reason, tolerance and thinking. The existence of orange pivot represents overturn, creation and maverick.