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ZXDGZ Office

4817 2020-09-02T21:06:22 17
设计师: 魏宜辉
ZXDGZ Office说明:

创意支点Pivot of Creation—ZXD&GZ  Office


Archimedes once said :" Give me a pivot, I can prize up the earth." This is the same to creation. Good ideas can double the value of a space.

Between gray and black, a touch of orange-yellow will become the finishing touch, be active, be the pivot of creation, or be the inspiration source. It will also be the soul of the space.

游走于灰白黑之间,一抹橙黄便成为点睛之笔,活跃跳脱,是为创意支点,灵感源头。亦作为整个空间设计灵魂之所在。 Between gray and black, a touch of orange-yellow will become the finishing touch, be active, be the pivot of creation, or be the inspiration source. It will also be the soul of the space.

Herm è s Orange is born with a sense of high quality, and giving the single office space to gradation and style, while the warm tone of the decoration adds a few warm and sweet feeling, create a sense of affinity in calm and serious…

爱马仕橙与生俱来的高级感,赋予了原本单一的办公空间以层次与格调,而暖色调的装点又平添几许温度,于冷静严肃中生出亲切感…… Herm è s Orange is born with a sense of high quality, and giving the single office space to gradation and style, while the warm tone of the decoration adds a few warm and sweet feeling, create a sense of affinity in calm and serious…

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