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黄际豪设计新作 |云端轻抚你的容颜

2968 2022-03-22T16:04:13 16
设计师: 黄际豪
黄际豪设计新作 |云端轻抚你的容颜说明:





这一次的设计风格,我们总结为:“延续 & 创新”。

GoodThai spa and its extended brand GoodLife have gone viral recently, which makes us proud as the strategic cooperative designer.
Empowering space with design is not only the original intention of JIHOW design, but also its unswerving pursuit. The "power" of commercial space is naturally reflected in profitability, development and breakthrough.
GoodThai high altitude spa, located in Jiahong Zhenxing building, is a high-end product focused by the brand. The success of previous cases did not made the design team have a well-thought-out plan,but walked on thin ice in the design process.
"Ancient method Aromatherapy", "Thai style", "urban community-based real economy model", "small space efficient management", "booming cyberstar economy" and so on are all design concepts in previous projects. However, with the rapid development of GoodThai brand and the continuous exploration and research of this business form, many new things will always appear in the brainstorming of the design team.

The design style of this time is summarized as "Continuation & Innovation".

As the transition space, the dark red paint used in the entrance pre entry area and aisle space is the typical VI color system of GoodThai, and this color system itself has the inspiration from the red brick of Chiang Mai. In the relatively quiet light, the collision with green plants is more profound and textural.

入口预进区与过道等区域,作为过渡空间,采用的深红色漆面是古泰典型的vi色系,而这个色系本身就有来自清迈红砖的灵感。在相对幽静的光线下,与绿色植物的碰撞中,显得更加深邃而有质感。 As the transition space, the dark red paint used in the entrance pre entry area and aisle space is the typical VI color system of GoodThai, and this color system itself has the inspiration from the red brick of Chiang Mai. In the relatively quiet light, the collision with green plants is more profound and textural.

In terms of soft furnishings, our idea is

软装陈设上面,我们的思路是“延续”,跟以往的古泰产品保持着一致。每一处的物件,都源于我们对空间的理解。东南亚五国,都是从农业,手工业发展而来的,至今还保留着各种传统工艺,比如编织工艺,木器,纺织,印染等传统手工业的习惯,且宗教氛围浓厚。正是由于这样的历史积累,才有了东南亚璀璨的文明。在挑选软装饰品的时候,虽不是古董,但每件都有其功能与意义。 In terms of soft furnishings, our idea is "continuation", which is consistent with the previous gutai products. Every object comes from our understanding of space. For example, the handicraft industry in Southeast Asia has a strong tradition of printing and dyeing, and the weaving industry has retained a strong atmosphere. It is precisely because of this historical accumulation that there is a bright civilization in Southeast Asia. When choosing soft decorations, although they are not antiques, each has its function and significance.

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