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黄际豪设计新作 |云端轻抚你的容颜

2968 2022-03-22T16:04:13 16
设计师: 黄际豪
黄际豪设计新作 |云端轻抚你的容颜说明:





这一次的设计风格,我们总结为:“延续 & 创新”。

GoodThai spa and its extended brand GoodLife have gone viral recently, which makes us proud as the strategic cooperative designer.
Empowering space with design is not only the original intention of JIHOW design, but also its unswerving pursuit. The "power" of commercial space is naturally reflected in profitability, development and breakthrough.
GoodThai high altitude spa, located in Jiahong Zhenxing building, is a high-end product focused by the brand. The success of previous cases did not made the design team have a well-thought-out plan,but walked on thin ice in the design process.
"Ancient method Aromatherapy", "Thai style", "urban community-based real economy model", "small space efficient management", "booming cyberstar economy" and so on are all design concepts in previous projects. However, with the rapid development of GoodThai brand and the continuous exploration and research of this business form, many new things will always appear in the brainstorming of the design team.

The design style of this time is summarized as "Continuation & Innovation".

Spa guest room logo under the unified VI system, metal nameplate and cement ash show the details and texture of GoodThai as always. The design in spa space is still the iconic image of GoodThai.

统一vi体系下的spa客房标识,金属铭牌搭配水泥灰,尽显古泰一如既往的细节与质感。spa空间内里设计依然是标志性的古泰形象。 Spa guest room logo under the unified VI system, metal nameplate and cement ash show the details and texture of GoodThai as always. The design in spa space is still the iconic image of GoodThai.


古泰一直主打的“古法芳疗”大受推崇,是自然疗法结合泰式按摩术,让身心感到放松。 香薰精油spa跟纯正古法按摩都是可以选择的服务类型,服务前后可以选择在浴缸中享受一个惬意的小憩,做完spa还有芒果糯米饭和水果送上。 披上浴衣,落地大玻璃,将窗外的繁华夜景和黄旗山风光带到眼前。喝上一口淡香玫瑰花茶,凭窗俯瞰脚下这个繁荣而忙碌的大地,仿佛置身某个未知空间作时光旅客观,自在且舒畅。 "Ancient method Aromatherapy", which has always been the main treatment of GoodThai, is highly praised. It is a combination of natural therapy and Thai massage, which makes the body and mind feel relaxed. Aromatherapy essential oil spa and pure ancient massage are optional service types. Before and after service, you can choose to enjoy a pleasant rest in the bathtub. After spa, mango glutinous rice and fruit are delivered. Put on your bathrobe and drop the big glass to bring the bustling night scenery and the scenery of Huangqi mountain out of the window. Drink a mouthful of light fragrant rose tea and look down at the prosperous and busy land under your feet from the window, as if you were in an unknown space for time tourists, just enjoy yourself.

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